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A Quick Tutorial On How To Make Money On Freelance Writing

Not very long back, making money online was considered a notion as false as snakes with limbs. But times have changed drastically and we now know how easy it can be do make some easy and quick money without literally having to invest a penny. Freelance writing is among one such endeavors that can make you quick money in small time. If you have a way with words, here is a tutorial on how you can make money on freelance writing.

Start with small steps

If you want to have a long and sustained haul with online writing, it is always advisable that you start small. Do not try to cut large chunks of cake you cannot consume. Remember, once you find work, you should pick up only as much work as you can possibly finish within the given deadline.

Add strength to your online portfolio

Freelance writing can bring more surprises than you can count if your online portfolio is strong enough. Clients are always keen on hiring freelance writers who have a great online portfolio and can match up with any style of writing. Here are few ways you can add more meaning to your freelancing portfolio:

Avoid encounters with fake clients

Just like fake freelancers, the internet abounds in fake clients. These are generally the ones that do not pay you once the work is completed. Now, it can be difficult to tell apart which client is genuine and which is not. You can either make the distinction after years of service involving numerous examples of cheating or through taking work only through reputable online freelance portals.

Identify your forte

It is very important you identify what you are good at right at the beginning of your online writing career. Some people are genuinely decent guest bloggers and others create impactful whitepapers. You may be good at both or neither. But there are several other niches to sort out. Try these at least once as you begin freelance writing:

  • Guest blogging
  • Academic paper writing
  • Script Writing
  • Creative ghostwriting
  • News release writing
  • SEO writing
  • Technical writing
  • Humor writing
  • You will soon find out what you are good at and what you should avoid right in the early days of online writing.

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